January Community Meeting
Ben Garner, Oyster House Developer, requesting community support for the following Variances:
- Off-street parking. One parking spot is required for every dwelling unit. Nine dwelling units are planned with two proposed spots. A seven-spot variance is requested.
- Floor area requirement for certain uses. Properties in IMU-1 zoning districts are supposed to have 60% of the ground floor be non-residential, non-parking. Proposing to have 0% of the ground floor be non-residential, non-parking. A 60% variance is necessary.
Finance Report—holiday party totals
Request Community Support for Quigleys Half Irish Pub opening day event. “I am asking for a letter of support from the community for the home-opener for baseball in Baltimore. The first street closure on Portland Street, March 31 setting up 6 am and breaking down at 11 pm. Also a letter for Emory Street on April 3 alongside Quigleys for the last game with Boston set up at 6 am and breakdown at 11 pm.
Announcement/Discussion: $10,000 community award from Councilwoman Porter’s office
Ridgely's Delight Community Association has been designated to receive funding in the amount of $10,000. from Councilwoman Phylicia Porter's office.
“Community organizations are a vital part of the growth and development of a neighborhood. This is deeply important to me as a community organizer and public health advocate. I made a promise when elected to advocate tirelessly on behalf of District 10 for funding in the Baltimore City Council-approved and adopted budget. This commitment of $10,000 for the Ridgely's Delight Community Association was included in the Baltimore City Budget approved in June 2024.”—Phylicia Porter
The money is designated for operating expenses of The Ridgely’s Delight Association. For example: neighborhood beautification, historic preservation, playground maintenance, diversity initiatives, or other projects that benefit the residents of the neighborhood.
All interested residents are encouraged to submit a proposal for use of the award. Submit proposals to president@ridgelysdelight.org. The proposal should be specific with an itemized list of expenses, timeframe, a detailed explanation of purpose/goals of project and how the project will benefit the neighborhood.
The final proposals will be presented at a community meeting for selection and vote. The community presentation can be done either by the person who submitted the proposal or by someone from the preliminary review committee (if the applicant prefers).
To prepare for the community vote, a preliminary review committee will meet to review proposals. The purpose being to work with the applicant to make improvements and clarifications to the proposal prior to the community meeting. (e.g. expenses, feasibility, purpose, benefits)
All interested residents are invited to participate in the preliminary reviews. Nicole Dungee will facilitate the group. Special efforts will be made to include an equal number of people from the northern streets and southern streets of the neighborhood in the group. Email Nicole at president@ridgelysdelight.org to indicate interest, or for additional information.
Meeting Zoom Link
Everyone is welcome! If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, you can join us on Zoom at:
Meeting ID: 825 6569 5924
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Meeting ID: 825 6569 5924