July 2022 Board Meeting

Type of meeting: 
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, July 13, 2022


Paul Rubensen
Bill Reuter
Bobby Goodfellow
Maia Tatinclaux
Karin Lundquist
Gerri Salley

Quorum established

  1. 6/8/2022 Meeting summary - accepted.
  2. June recap - thanks to everyone for working hard on the Board. We’ve accomplished some nice things like the little libraries, updating budget and accounting, cleanups, social events, etc.
  3. Sharon needs volunteers for national night out - email Sharon if you can help. Bill to make flyers for national night out.
  4. Gala news - Zekes is going to provide free coffee and something for the raffle. Encourage everyone to buy tickets early - get the word out. Break even point is 24 tickets - have sold 13 tickets so far.
  5. New Business:
    Maia brought up that community member posted about traffic going too fast on Washington - 
    Paul mentioned that speed bumps have been met with resistance int he past.
    Karin suggested a stop sign on washington at the corner with Warner. This will slow down traffic and make turning left from Warner onto Washington safer. We need to see if this is possible. Gerri said she would work with Maia to brainstorm - she said it’s not necessarily up to the community, but you need a certain number of residents that live on that block to agree.
    Maia will reach out to the community member again to see if they can get together to get more information and ideas to present in the September community meeting.