June Community Meeting

Wednesday, June 2, 2021 - 7:00pm

There will be an online community meeting on Wednesday, June 2, at 7 pm. Anyone who lives, works, or owns property in Ridgely’s Delight is welcome, but preregistration for this Zoom event will be required.


  1. Welcome
  2. Approval on May minutes
  3. Next Community dumpster – June 26th, 2021
  4. June 11th Happy Hour at Pickles
  5. Issues with 207 S. Fremont and immediate surrounding area
  6. No July meeting and discuss return to in-person meetings
  7. Committee reports (No Treasury report)
    a. Parking – Ab
    b. SBGP – Bill
    c. Beautification committee – Megan
    d. ARC – Paul
  8. New Business – Given the virtual format for the meeting, the length of the agenda, and consideration of people’s time, we kindly ask that folks who would like to discuss items not covered in the agenda wait to do so at this point in the meeting.
  9. Adjourn